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  • Gelatin Finings - 1 pound Bag

    Gelatin Finings - 1 lb

    Gelatin Finings 1 lb Bag Use Gelatin Finings to clear beer and wine by removing proteins and other particles in suspension. Gelatin works by becoming positively charged when mixed with water and attaching to negative charged particles like proteins...

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  • Gelatin Finings 1 oz package

    Gelatin Finings 1 oz

    Gelatin Finings - 1 oz Use Gelatin Finings to clear beer and wine by removing proteins and other particles in suspension. Gelatin works by becoming positively charged when mixed with water and attaching to negative charged particles like proteins...

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  • Super Kleer KC Finnings

    Super Kleer KC Finings

    Super-Kleer K.C. is a superior Euro-fining, is the new standard in wine and beer finings. It contains 2 pre-mixed pouches, kieselsol and chitosan. It works by creating both strong negative strong positive charges in the wine, which allow for larger yeast...

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  • Chitosan


    Chitosan is a positively charges fining agent especially popular for clearing white wines. Chitosan does not require the presence of tannins to effectively clear the wine as some fining agents do.

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